Sharing our Stories - A Digital Platform for Storytelling

Being part of a community often requires sharing different perspectives on a common story; whether it is part of a struggle, or a collective triumph. Within each story, a unique theme often emerges, which brings people together around an ultimate purpose.

For the AIDCF, the combination of an online platform and the people behind it have brought the common theme of collaboration to the forefront; and the culmination of this in their final event of the festival is no different.

Emerging leaders from established media outlets, such as the ABC and Huffington Post, as well as international perspectives from the diaspora, will combine in tackling the important topic of storytelling and how this is expressed in a creative form.

Writers from all avenues and platforms are encouraged to join the conversation next month, and to contribute to the discussion on how the creative sector is able to collaborate further, beyond this event.

To join the conversation, please find out more and save the date here.


Creative Expressions - AIDCF’s Multicultural Engagement


Engaging through Impact