Challenges Abroad x SolveSquad

As most of us by now have adjusted into remote-working arrangements, online education, and even virtual coffee catchups and meals, the virtual volunteering space continues to push the boundaries on what is potentially the new way of work in our current society.

Introducing Challenges Abroad, a socially conscious organisation which is now offering virtual internships for young students and professionals; but with a twist - a way forward through  the movement of global citizenship.

As a way to both upskill and build meaningful connections, the nonprofit arm of Challenges Abroad, the FutureSense Foundation, connects participants to on-the-ground partners in Cambodia, Thailand, and Nepal, fostering a direct connection to key communities in overseas countries from the comfort of your own home. Virtual internships can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, and interns are able to launch initiatives and creative projects to meet community needs where it matters most.

Due to COVID-19, these virtual internships are being made available exclusively online, and are customised to suit the needs and flexibility of participants from a remote learning and educational standpoint for ease of access and accelerated engagement.

To start your journey, connect with Challenges Abroad to meet your next challenge head-on!


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