Oaktree’s LBL Challenge 2021
Some say that the most vulnerable people have now been pushed further back into poverty by
more than two decades, almost reversing the cycle of change as a result of COVID-19 and
continued mitigating factors; but there are others continuing to work tirelessly to combat such
Oaktree, well known for being Australia’s largest youth-run platform, is continuing its fight
against poverty through their Live Below the Line (LBL) challenge, though this year things look a
little different on both a local and global level; and we at SolveSquad are delighted to support
For communities affected by the pandemic, it is more imperative than ever to engage
collectively; and the LBL challenge seeks to bring together the combined efforts of those within
our country to harness the impact of many for the purpose of addressing our societal challenge.
Living on less than two dollars a day might seem like a challenge, but for many, it is an
everyday reality. The continuing disparity between those in poverty and those considered
wealthy is only further exacerbated by those who do not address these inequalities. However,
young Australians can be involved in meeting the challenge head-on by putting their money
where their mouth is, quite literally.
To meet the challenge, sign-up and show your support for the LBL Challenge today!