Cultural Shifts: SolveSquad at the Multicultural Career & Job Expo 2024

As our first official exhibitor opportunity, our team at SolveSquad were delighted to be able to present at the recent Multicultural Career & Job Expo this year, and were able to make some truly remarkable connections.

In partnership with the Queensland State Government and Workforce Australia, we were one of almost 80 companies and community organisations represented on the day, and one of the few local social enterprises presenting to over 1000 people in attendance.

As a symbol of partnership, we were able to team up with Stint Community, the newly launched online community connecting young people, particularly international students, to job opportunities with lower barriers to entry, higher employability, and professional capabilities. We also were able to bridge new collaborations with other likeminded organisations, government agencies and educational institutions at the expo.

One of our favourite conversations was with a business owner-turned-student, Aaron, who had spent considerable time overseas in South Asia before transitioning to study in Australia, who mentioned;

Out of all the conversations I had today, with you [SolveSquad], it was the most meaningful
— Aaron (student job seeker)

On career growth and cultural trajectory, the Multicultural Career & Job Expo truly delivered; and we at SolveSquad look forward to future collaborative events where we can connect locally and collaborate more widely.


Careers in Colour x SolveSquad


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