“As lockdown restrictions are rapidly reducing and communities begin connecting in person once more, we at Solve Squad are constantly engaging with individuals, organisations and initiatives to expand our horizons and collaborate post-COVID-19. One of the ways we are looking to increase our platform’s presence is through an exciting potential collaboration with the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers community.
The WEF has been at the forefront of social engagement, innovation and change for several years, especially with the expansion of their Global Shaper hubs across the world. The Global Shaper community has been able to empower and provide a platform for young changemakers to connect and converge on several social issues affecting the world, in order to identify ways to address these challenges and create a better future; including during these current times.
As the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe has shifted the way we do things, we are identifying new ways to connect and work together to solve these new challenges together.
Through the work of the Global Shaper hub, particularly here in Brisbane, we will be working together to further engage and enlarge the Solve Squad platform, gaining new individuals to join the platform, innovative ideas to expand the initiative, and opportunities to move forward across the city, state, and eventually, on an international scale. In addition to the Brisbane hub, the Global Shaper hub in Paris, as well as other hubs, will continue to enable the Solve Squad platform to reach new areas and tap into different sectors of society that require our services.
We hope to be able to launch new challenges and connect individuals to new causes shortly, and will be able to further the work of Solve Squad, especially as we seek to continue our work post-COVID-19.”