“As with every major organisation, business and community initiative around the country, we are learning that the ‘new normal’ requires changes and shifts in how we do things; and one of the ways Solve Squad is pivoting to meet this need is a change in leadership.
Beginning next month, Solve Squad will officially be led by Joseph Kolapudi, a young community changemaker and nonprofit manager of ReachAcross, an organisation focusing on assisting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in and around Brisbane.
Taking on the reins from Murray Galbraith and Rosie Odsey, the co-founders of Solve Squad, Joseph will be working in tandem with ReachAcross and other partner organisations, individuals and collaborators in the industry to ensure that this platform continues post-COVID-19. As the platform grows, Solve Squad will continue to highlight and work alongside other initiatives to ensure viability and sustainability moving forward.
For many, this will be an opportunity to be involved in a local initiative that is bringing people together from around the country in an effort to connect and collaborate with those who are able to assist those who need it most.
Subscribing to the idea that ‘learning begins by listening’, Joseph will continue to ramp up the work of Solve Squad by connecting with emerging leaders, community pioneers, industry professionals, and others who will be able to springboard the initiative to the next level.
Taking this platform forward will be a formidable opportunity to engage with the workforce that is making remote work, professional upskilling, and virtual learning a reality that will not be easily forgotten; and the hope is that the work of Solve Squad will be here to stay for the long haul.
For 2020, the year looks very different from what many expected; but this is the primary reason Solve Squad exists - to make sure we meet such a challenge.”